Friday, February 22, 2013

Physical And Mental Health Tactic: moving, laughing, put, say, school

An action: the action is not bad. The man is not afraid to move, afraid without brain. Morning Move, less trouble a disease, iron smelting more haste, inactive unhealthy, life is movement. Adhere to regular exercise, work, social activities can promote physical and mental health.
Second, we need to laugh: smile, ten years young, laugh Ten laugh, riddled eliminate. The laugh on various parts of the body are beneficial, laughter can eliminate worry. Every day laugh, can enable people to live young, handsome, healthy.
Third, we must put down. The people have to learn to lay down, and have the energy to pick up the should.
Four say: refers to speech, talk. Psychological problems, in the final analysis, the mental communication problems, talk more with family and friends, family, colleagues, exchange ideas, eliminate psychological barriers, in order to achieve a psychological balance. The talk is also a psychological communication.
Fifth, we must learn: To the young, the brain was young, learning is brain cells gymnastics, according to the principle of advance of use and retreat of waste, the brain is more spiritual more you use ,  more aging if not. Should unremittingly learning, increase their knowledge, to enrich themselves, and anti-aging.

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